The Biology Education Master's Study Program received Superior accreditation from LAMDIK
The Biology Education Master's Study Program (S2) succeeded in achieving Superior Accreditation status from the Independent Education Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK). This is based on the Decree (SK) number 271/SK/LAMDIK/Ak/M/III/2024 concerning the Accreditation Ranking of the Biology Education Study Program at the Yogyakarta State University Masters Program, LAMDIK determined that the Biology Education Masters Study Program FMIPA UNY obtained the Accreditation Status: “Accredited”, with Accreditation Rating: “Excellent”. Accreditation Status and Accreditation Rating as referred to are valid from March 4 2024 to March 3 2029.
Coordinating Master of Biology Education Study Program FMIPA UNY, Prof. Dr. Paidi, M.Si., feels very grateful for the results of obtaining this accreditation status. Thanks to the hard work of all parties who supported and assisted the accreditation process for the Biology Education Masters Study Program, it finally produced better results than before, which was still B. However, according to Prof. Dr. Paidi, M.Si., Biology Education Masters Study Program FMIPA UNY still has to improve the quality to support the vision of Yogyakarta State University to become a world class university, one of which is through international accreditation. Apart from that, the Head of the FMIPA UNY Quality Assurance Unit, Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, M.Pd, added that the results of the Masters in Biology Education Accreditation were a blessing for FMIPA, because with the Superior accreditation status of the Masters in Biology Education, all Masters programs at FMIPA were accredited as Superior. Previous master's programs that have excelled include Masters in Mathematics Education, Masters in Chemistry Education, Masters in Physics Education and Masters in Science Education. We hope that with this increase in accreditation status, the quality of implementation of the Tri Darma of Higher Education at FMIPA UNY will continue to improve.