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FMIPA UNY received a visit from the Dean of FKIP Unram regarding Improving Quality Assurance

Kunjungan Dekanat FKIP Unram

Yogyakarta, April 25 2024 - Yogyakarta State University FMIPA received a comparative study visit from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science (FKIP) Mataram University (Unram) in Meeting Room 1 FMIPA. This activity aims to strengthen institutional programs regarding quality assurance. On this occasion, FMIPA UNY was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UNY Prof. Dr. Dadan Rosana, M.Sc. together with the Head of the Host Unit, Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, S.Pd., M.Pd. along with his staff and from FKIP attended by Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra, M.Sc. as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, FKIP Unram and his staff.

The aim of this visit is to improve the quality of quality assurance in both institutions. Based on this visit, it was discovered that the key to success in quality assurance at the university and study program levels is to utilize the Integrated Host system. All data required for the quality assurance process is managed in an integrated manner in the same system so that it is easy to obtain data for accreditation purposes. Then collecting data into one can make archiving and accessing data easier. It was also emphasized that there were divisions within the quality assurance team (hosts) with representatives from each department in each division to systematize and balance the work of the hosts themselves. In certain circumstances, if additional personnel are needed, it can also be recommended to appoint Student Employment (SE) to assist the performance of the Host Team.

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This activity then ended with the handover of mementos from both parties.